Portfolio Bonds

 Building the right portfolio


There are two parts to investment portfolio planning. The first is to have the right asset allocation - the correct balance of where you should invest in order to meet your needs and goals. And often, with the detailed knowledge we have of our clients, it is JW Wealth Management who are best able to create such profiles on your behalf.

The second, but equally important, is to select the right combination of managers with the skills, investment process and track record to match each area of your portfolio. Blending different manager’s skills and constantly monitoring them.

Our solutions cover major asset classes and focus on specific geographical areas.

Portfolio Bonds offer the following advantages:

    More flexibility

Choose a bespoke mix of assets across different markets - you might want a UK portfolio, or something more international with a portion in the US. For the more adventurous, you may prefer to be in Eastern Europe, China, India or South America. The choice is yours.

    Access to world leading investment managers

Allows us to consider investment managers from around the world, including those that are not available to individual investors.

    Easy access to capital

Clients have the flexibility to access their capital whenever they need to, without cancelling the entire investment. Investment benefits can be paid in any major currency.

    Clients can also use their portfolios

Portfolios can be used to provide a regular income, by way of monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly withdrawals.

    Active manager monitoring

We continuously monitor and review investment managers to ensure that your portfolio is invested in the most suitable and appropriate opportunities.